Mr White

Genres: Everything, that suits a wedding!
Residencies: PLATZ (BP), Negro, Creol Bar, High Five (BP), AMTS Tuning Show (Hungexpo), Haraszthy Love Fesztivál (Etyek)…

There's Superman, Batman, Spiderman... And there's the "Weddingman". DJ Mr. White, whose civil name is Csaba Hór, has been practicing the art of creating atmosphere since the 2000s, and beyond the clubs of Budapest, he offers a professional package of experiences to wedding couples all over the country under the name "Weddingman". Reliability, state-of-the-art technical equipment and helpfulness are his main trademarks - for Csaba, the satisfaction of his guests is always the measure of the work done. His wide repertoire of music can be heard in the PLATZ bar near the Basilica in Budapest, where you can listen to him live with a cocktail!
In addition to his life as DJ, his day job also provides a strong cross-section and professional complement to his skills, as Product Manager at BASYS Hungary, he tests first-hand the Pioneer DJ and BOSE products that are used by the DJ profession, often before they are released. His work is now also supported by BEST EVENT DJ, so we can heartily recommend him for weddings requiring high technical standards and musical flexibility!

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